Confidential | Informal | Independent | Neutral

Student Conduct at Michigan State University is managed through the Office of Student Support and Accountability. Complaints can be filed by any MSU student, faculty, or staff member. The Office of the University Ombudsperson is here as a confidential resource for any student going through this process. While we do not serve as advocates for students through this process, our job is to advocate for fairness and due process. Students, instructors, or other community members are encouraged to reach out to our office for assistance in understanding policies and procedures at MSU.

What Happens During this Process?

Staff members from the Office of Student Support and Accountability will schedule a meeting to discuss the allegations or concerns. This meeting will provide you with the opportunity to discuss what occurred, to review any documentation that the office has, and to discuss whether or not you may be responsible for any violation of university policies. If the staff member makes the decision to hold you responsible, you can either accept responsibility or request a hearing. Ultimately, if you are found to be responsible, either the staff member or the hearing board will issue sanctions.

Note: Concerns of discrimination or harassment based upon age, color, gender, gender identity, disability status, height, marital status, national origin, political persuasion, race, religion, sexual orientation, veteran status, and weight are handled by the Office of Institutional Equity. You can find additional information here: OIE Resources.

What if I feel as though my rights have been violated during this process?

You are welcome to consult the Office of the University Ombudsperson at any step of the process to educate yourself on your rights as a student. While the Office of the University Ombudsperson does not act as an advocate for students throughout the conduct process, it does act as an advocate for fairness and due process in this and all other university procedures involving students. Will the Ombudsperson accompany me into a student conduct hearing? No, staff from the University Ombudsperson’s office will not accompany students into a hearing, or serve as student advocates during a conduct process. You can identify another member of the MSU community to accompany you, however. Additionally, you can contact a Student Rights Advocate.

Where can I find more information?

You can find additional information about the Student Conduct Process at the Office of Student Support and Accountability website. Additionally, you can consult with a Student Rights Advocate.