Residence Education and Housing Services
Residence Education and Housing Services (REHS) is a department of the Division of Residential and Hospitality Services at Michigan State University. REHS focuses on a variety of areas impacting students’ overall on-campus living experience at MSU, including residence education, housing assignments, housing operations, conference services, facilities and maintenance. REHS manages 27 residence halls and two apartment communities, housing nearly 15,000 annually. There are a number of mechanisms in place within REHS to resolve conflict, and you can find additional information about these below. The Office of the University Ombudsperson is here to assist students resolve conflicts or disputes within the university. While we do not serve as advocates for students, our job is to advocate for fairness and due process. You are encouraged to contact the Office of the University Ombudsperson with any questions or concerns that you may have.
What if I am having a conflict with my roommate?
If you are having a conflict with your roommate, and you have first tried to work it out among yourselves, you are encouraged to reach out to your Resident Assistant for support. Your RA may be able to help you with strategies for conflict resolution. If you have attempted this approach and still need assistance, you are encouraged to reach out to your Community Director for additional guidance and support. You may also reach out to the Office of the University Ombudsperson at any time to discuss your situation and to explore options.
Who do I contact with concerns about behaviors occurring on my floor or living area?
Your are encouraged to report concerning behaviors or violations of university policies to your RA, or your Community Director. They can also help to provide assistance and resources as necessary. For immediate safety concerns or emergencies, contact MSU Police.
What if I have maintenance requests or concerns?
Maintenance requests can be completed online at or by contacting your service center.
What about concerns regarding my building?
For building issues or concerns, you are encouraged to contact your RA or your Community Director. For immediate safety concerns or emergencies, contact MSU Police.
I’ve been charged money for damages, what can I do about it?
Occasionally, residents are charged for damages caused in personal or communal living spaces. In cases of widespread or persistent damage in common areas, these damages can be spread across residents of an entire wing or floor. While you may feel that these charges are assessed unfairly, the responsibility for maintaining a clean and safe living environment falls upon individuals as well as the wider community. If you have concerns about individual or community charges, you are encouraged to contact your Community Director, or your Assistant Director of Residence Education.
Can I be released from my housing contract?
A housing contract is a legally binding agreement between you and Michigan State University which entitles you to on campus housing. By accepting your university housing, you are agreeing to the terms of this contract, and committing to live on campus for the duration of the contract agreement.
If you cannot comply with the terms of the housing contract due to significant changes in circumstances beyond your control, you may apply for a contract release by completing the application. You can access, download and print the application by visiting and selecting Document Library, then Residence Hall/Apartment Contract/Lease Release Application. Applying for a contract release will not automatically result in the termination of your housing contract. If you have questions or concerns regarding their housing contract, you are encouraged to contact Residence Education and Housing Services at or 517-884-5483.
Other questions about housing policies
If you have questions about housing policies, you are encouraged to contact your RA or Community Director. If you are unsure who to contact, or if you have any additional questions or concerns, you are encouraged to reach out to the Office of the University Ombudsperson.